Total photos: 3



nicole beki

Pošalji poruku Nepotpun profil

hi guys!!u can call me 20 single and still looking for the right guy to be with me and who can treat me the way i want to be treated.. and im new here. well i hope that u treat me well.. i wanna meet some friends here who wanna hangout and have some fun with me.. just visit my pro if ur interested, it will be my pleasure :)

Rodendan 04.04.1990
Horoskopski znak Ovan
Spol Žensko
Vrsta veze za romantiku, za dugu vezu, za prijateljstvo, za seks / avanturu
Zemlja United States
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States/Province Texas
Treži Muško
Seeking country United States
Traži godine 14 - 60
Registriran od 05.10.2010, 23:23:53
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User type Free member
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