Total photos: 2


Valentina kuz

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Rodendan 23.04.1982
Horoskopski znak Bik
Spol Žensko
Orientation You must be at least a Free member to view this data
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Vrsta veze za romantiku, za dugu vezu
Zemlja Russian Federation
Email You must be at least a Silver member to view this data
States/Province Yaransk - Яранск - Kirov
Marital status Sam/a
Djeca Nijedno
Visina 5'9" (175cm)
Težina 135 lbs (61kg)
Boja kose Plava
Boja oæi Smeðe
Ethnicity Bijela
Vjera Kršæanska
Pušaæ Nepušaè
Alkoholièar Kronièno
Struèna sprema Post diplomski
Known languages Engleski, Ruski
Posao Teacher
Treži Muško
Seeking marital status Sam/a, Razveden/a
Traži godine 30 - 55
Traži visinu 5'3" (160cm) - 6'10" (208cm)
Traži težinu 135 lbs (61kg) - 245 lbs (111kg)
Registriran od 03.02.2011, 08:09:14
Zadnji pristup You must be at least a Free member to view this data
User type Free member
User online status You must be at least a Free member to view this data
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